Two Decentralized Projects Are Officially Merging; Pitch Finance and FlockiFinance.
Are You Ready for the Launch?
Pitch Finance and Flocki Finance have agreed to merge their protocols into PAF DAO.
Pitch Finance independently offers value to Crypto enthusiasts by helping them build, buy, sell, trade,any kind of asset, token, and NFT in diverse blockchains.
FlockiFinance stands as the first multi-chain marketplace for NFTs. Crypto enthusiasts and traderscan buy, sell, trade, and even swap any NFT on any blockchain they desire using one platform.
One can only imagine what this two will achieve when they bring their platforms into one ecosystem.Asides from the reduction of usable energy in the ecosystem, the two projects will also provide greaterefficiency for Crypto users.
The CEO of FlockiFinance and Pitch Finance- Poletaev Andrey sees this merger as a milestone that willbring the best for the communities involved in the project and other Crypto enthusiasts. It will surely be a historic moment in the Blockchain space once these protocols born in this NEW erabecome ONE.
Token Details
Token Name: PAF DAO
Total Supply: 100,000,000 PAF
Symbol: PAF
Blockchain: BEP-20
Decimals: 9
Contract: 0xa5e226248d88f87a103fd18c150a21eaa8cc8d1a
To participate in Private sale White listing please follow payment instructions and fill in the form
1 BNB = 30 000 PAF
1 BNB = 27 500 PAF
1 BNB = 25 000 PAF
Christmas airdrop from PAF DAO!
PAF DAO·1 day ago
To celebrate 2021 Christmas PAF DAO announced amazing airprop!
HOLD both Pitch Finance tokens (PFT) and Flocki Finance (FFT) in you BSC wallet to recieve free PAF DAO tokens (PAF) on 2021 Christmas!
Must hold minimum of 10 000 000 #PFT tokens and 10 000 000 #FFT tokens (must have both) to be qualified for airdrop!
Every 10 million of PFT and 10 milion FFT will bring you reward of 2 000 PAF tokens, approximately USD 60 at PCS launching price!
You can buy additional FFT tokens here
and PFT tokens here:
PAF, PFT and FFT tokens staking
For More Information:
Username: AlexSukaRondoz
Telegram Username: @AlexSuka
Wallet Address: 0x9bE65A7Ad2ffB41d7C40addf52c377EA3F39E977
bantal warulor
Desember 31, 2021
New Google SEO
SPYRIT coin is just a few month old, the litepaper and Whitepaper analysis will be out shortly the team are currently putting all their effort making the future DeFi a big one. Talking about the stability, transparency, trust and longevity, it’s the first of its kind the first Defi that’s currently working on uniting investors to trade on a platform that’s suitable and reliable Oh yes by holding SPYRIT coin your rewards is coming in as More.
What is the meaning of spyrit?
SPYRIT is the essence of blockchain. We want to build a network for the most important qualities of blockchain development. Our foundation is built around DeFi principles, and delivered with complete transparency.
Because of the exciting features which was built on it guarantees the steady and reliable rewards to holders without hassle, all round stress free all you do is just hold SPYRIT coin and get your rewards. It’s simply the next evolution DeFi
Watch out
The contract address is safe and secure
The SPYRIT smart contract is safe and secure! Thanks to DessertSwap for the Doxxed Audit!
Contract address Polygon : 0x35db0dfb42dfe164a3e4d39f91459878d564fa5b
Why do we build with polygon?
SPYRIT is initially built on the Polygon network because of Polygon's development features, and solutions for network incompatability.
Platform to access SPYRIT coin
A decentralized exchange built on the Polygon Network that will allow users to safely buy, sell, and swap their coins or tokens.
Convert your SpyritCoin from the Polygon network to the Spyrit Chain.
patner & infestors
For more information visit
Forum Username: AlexSukaRondoz
Forum Profile Link:;u=1555471
Telegram Username: @AlexSuka
Wallet Address: 0x9bE65A7Ad2ffB41d7C40addf52c377EA3F39E977
bantal warulor Desember 30, 2021 New Google SEO Bandung, IndonesiaValues is the best Protocol for Metaverse Backup in Polygon Network.
Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the VALUES project, you should read the information that will help you get information that can help you see your vision and mission.
# polygon # crypto # crypto currency # financial value
Blockchain is a decentralized public ledger. It is a network of computers that have identical databases and change their mathematical state) to general agreement based on pure. All this means that there is no need for a central server or any entity we trust (e.g. central bank, notary, bank, Paypal, etc.). Blockchain is the underlying technology for all cryptocurrencies, be it Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger, etc.
An important part of the blockchain is a smart contract, a piece of code that is stored on the blockchain network (in the database of each participant). It basically defines the conditions under which all parties use the contractual agreement. Therefore, if the required conditions are met, certain actions are executed. Since smart contracts are stored on all the computers on the network, everyone should run them and get the same result. This way the user can be sure that the results are correct.
About Metaverse
Value is the Metaverse Reserved Protocol on the Polygon Network depending on the $VALUES token. Each $VALUES token is backed by a resource chest (e.g. MAI, FRAX) in the Value store, providing a non-negligible fair value. The Value Protocol provides the possibility to support NFT tokens to storage storage. Value brings the monetary and hypothetical elements of the game to market through tagging and being knocked out. Values are part of the branching path for OlympusDAO with training applied to NFT Bonding for the metaverse space and with Polygons in mind.
How does it work?
At a high level, Value consists of a protocol-managed treasury, protocol-held liquidity (POL), bonding mechanisms, and balances designed to control supply expansion.
The sale of bonds generates profits for the protocol, and the treasury uses those profits to print $VALUES and distribute them to stakeholders. With liquidity bonds, the protocol can accumulate its own liquidity. See the entry below on the importance of POL.
Disrupt Value
They are likely to establish a strategy-driven liquidity framework for the NFT metaverse space, where the execution of the $VALUES token is controlled at a level that the DAO cannot deny. In the long term they accept this framework can be used to improve reliability and consistency with the aim that $VALUES can function as a unit-of-record and worldwide cash trading mode in a decentralized metaverse. In the meantime, we intend to improve the framework for the development and creation of abundance.
How do I follow Values?
There are two fundamental systems for market members: marking and holding. Shareholders stake their $VALUES tokens in exchange for more $VALUES tokens, while bonders provide LP or MAI tokens in exchange for limited $VALUES tokens then a fixed vesting period.
How can I profit from Value?
The main benefit for stakeholders comes from supply development. Beavers reap new $VALUES tokens from the repository, most of which are passed on to stakeholders who desperately need the $VALUES tokens they advertise. Furthermore, the gain for stakeholders will come from their automatic strengthening equilibrium, but value openness remains a significant consideration. That is, assuming the increase in the symbolic equilibrium outperforms the expected decrease in costs due to the expansion, the stakeholder will create a profit.
The principle benefit for bonders comes from the consistency of values. Bonders deliver capital openly and are guaranteed a reasonable return at the appointed time; the return is in $VALUES and in this way the bonder’s profit will depend on the cost of $VALUES as the bond grows. Bonders benefit from rising or static $VALUES fees.
Who creates Value?
Values is an offshoot of OlympusDAO with turn implemented for the NFT space on the Polygon Network which will help with various tasks of building a decentralized metaverse. The central group has consolidated involvement with software engineering, cryptography, economics and planning. Followed by a long involvement with crypto. They like to remain mysterious for the achievement of this task because our target is changing to a Decentralized Autonomous Organization.
Values intends to address this by generating free stash money, $VALUES, backed by a pool of resources. By focusing on expanding supply instead of forecasting appreciation, Values believes that $VALUES can serve as cash holding its purchasing power with little regard for exhibits of uncertainty.
Who runs Values?
To date most of the choices have been made by the central group but the team hopes to quickly turn this into a DAO managed model with the value of your help expected to be the Metaverse Backup Protocol. At this time they will be aiming at development. By joining NFT and holding onto the framework, Value can turn into a major OHM fork with NFT loyalty.
Learn More:
User Name: AlexSukaRondoz
Profile Link:;u=1555471
Telegram Username: @AlexSuka
Wallet Address: 0x9bE65A7Ad2ffB41d7C40addf52c377EA3F39E977
bantal warulor Desember 28, 2021 New Google SEO Bandung, IndonesiaPENGUMUMAN KEMITRAANL PI DAO X DREEM
Dreem adalah metaverse yang terdesentralisasi, terbuka, dan diatur oleh komunitas di dApp store.
LPI DAO sangat senang dengan kemitraan baru, DREEM — Dreem adalah pasar untuk metaverses. Ayo bangun ranah token Anda sendiri, jual sebagai NFT, dan monetisasikan. Gunakan editor ranah kami, unggah metaverse yang ada, atau bangun di atas ranah kami yang sudah ada. Akses alam melalui karakter yang dirancang, mencari sewa, NFT yang dapat diurai waktu.
Kolaborasi dengan DREEM
LPI DAO akan bekerja sama dengan DREEM untuk meningkatkan jangkauan mereka ke berbagai sektor pasar termasuk dan tidak terbatas pada Turki, Cina, Rusia, India & Indonesia untuk menciptakan minat tambahan dan menumbuhkan komunitas mereka. Sambil menawarkan akses tim DREEM ke sejumlah Influencer, KOL, Launchpads, platform CEX sebelum dan sesudah layanan peluncuran dan banyak koneksi industri lainnya. Dengan bergabung sebagai salah satu pendukung awal LPI akan menawarkan investasi nilai tambah untuk proyek tersebut. Bermitra hanya dengan proyek-proyek berkualitas tinggi LPI DAO memberikan nilai dan dukungan yang kuat untuk proyek-proyek yang diinvestasikannya.
Bertemu DREEM
Di bawah ini Anda akan dapat menjelajahi fitur yang ada dan melihat video produk dari:
Alam awal
Membangun dan mendesain alam
NFT wilayah Anda
Karakter berbasis NFT yang mencari sewa
Token dunia
Pajak dan biaya
Alam Awal
Akan ada beberapa ranah yang dibangun oleh desainer Dreem yang menggunakan toolkit yang akan tersedia bagi siapa saja untuk datang dan menggunakannya. Ini akan berfungsi sebagai alam awal yang memberikan inspirasi untuk ekspansi. Ini berkisar dari alam yang diilhami Bumi hingga alam luar angkasa. Semuanya multipemain dan memerlukan karakter berbasis NFT untuk masuk dengan pilihan awal objek dan pengalaman yang dapat dimonetisasi.
NFT wilayah Anda
Realm dapat dijual sebagai NFT, misalnya jika seorang desainer membangun dan menjual realme dengan objek untuk menunjukkan NFT atau suara eksklusif. NFT ini secara otomatis di-porting ke OpenSea, dan dapat, menggunakan kontrak pintar, memberikan kepemilikan ganda dari 1 NFT. Misalnya jika ada beberapa kolaborator dari ranah itu dan objek/pengalaman yang ada di dalamnya. Cukup taruh file Unity Anda, video dan jika Anda ingin membuat ranah publik atau tidak, dan begitulah semudah menjual ranah yang Anda buat.
Token Realm
Realm dapat memiliki token mereka sendiri. Yang membantunya menciptakan ekonominya sendiri. Ketika DAO ranah atau pemilik ranah mencetak token ini tergantung pada beberapa faktor yang diputuskan oleh komunitas yang merupakan bagian dari ranah tersebut. Lintasannya akan terlihat seperti ini: membangun ranah, membangun dan menjatuhkan pengalaman di ranah, menarik orang (karakter) ke ranah, melepaskan token ranah, menghasilkan uang, membagikan uang.
Utilitas Token $DREEM
Token DREEM berfungsi sebagai alat utama untuk mengatur DREEM dan akan digunakan untuk terus mendesentralisasikan masa depan dan meletakkannya di tangan komunitas. Selain itu, tokenisasi, sewa, penjualan, dan penggunaan ranah baru yang dikerahkan ke DREEM dapat menimbulkan struktur biaya yang terkait dengan token DREEM dan menguntungkan pemegangnya dengan lebih banyak opsi untuk mendanai pengembangan dan proyek di masa depan pada ekosistem.
Mitra & Investor
X21, Shima Capital, Kaso2ka Ventures, NFTtech + IBC Group, DCI Capital, Synapse, Oracles Investment Group, Blackdragon, DuckDAO, Truepnl, Dextforce (Dextools), DAOstarter, Synapse Network, Avstar, Moonstarter, Duckstarter, Ready Player Me, LPI DAO
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Nama pengguna: AlexSukaRondoz
Profil Tautan:;u=1555471
Nama Pengguna Telegram: @AlexSuka
Alamat Dompet: 0x9bE65A7Ad2ffB41d7C40addf52c377EA3F39E977
bantal warulor Desember 28, 2021 New Google SEO Bandung, IndonesiaBitseries adalah token keuangan terdesentralisasi yang bagus dalam rantai pintar Binance untuk masa depan
Pemegang Bitseries akan mendapatkan 12% pada setiap perdagangan yang diadakan di dunia, yang berarti semakin awal Anda memegang semakin banyak koin Anda akan tumbuh. Di sisi lain, ada yang mengatakan redistribusi 12% akan turun begitu orang bertambah, Oke! Jika orang meningkat, Lalu bagaimana dengan harganya!
Bitseries Pemegang akan mendapatkan 12% pada setiap tr a de, yang berarti lebih awal Anda pegang, semakin Anda tumbuh. Di sisi lain, ada yang mengatakan redistribusi 12% akan turun begitu orang bertambah, Oke! Jika orang meningkat, Lalu bagaimana dengan Harga!
Jaringan DeFi Hyper-Blockchain
Kami tidak percaya bahwa token digital lebih dari aset untuk spekulasi keuangan. Tujuan mendistribusikan Token adalah untuk membentuk ekonomi kepercayaan di dunia cryptocurrency dan menjadi startup Fintech terkemuka dalam pembayaran digital.
26 Desember pukul 1 siang UTC
DeFi hiper-deflasi
17.000.000 SERI
(17 juta)
$0,03 (Perkiraan)
(0,00005 bnb/SERI)
10% dari Total
12% Pada Setiap & Setiap Perdagangan
Distribusi Token
(0,5% dari total SERI
(10% dari total SERI)
Jangka Waktu
Desember 2021
Jaringan Beta
Sirkulasi Awal
Sedang berlangsung!
0,5% dari total SERI
Perluas Komunitas
Melibatkan jaringan ke dalam tugas-tugas promosi.
Umpan balik komunitas dan alat perluasan jaringan strategis.
Menegakkan kampanye pemasaran seperti bounty, airdrops, launchpools, dan alat pertumbuhan jaringan lainnya.
distribusi gratis akan mendukung bentuk yang setara. membuat masyarakat menjadi seimbang. Kami akan mencoba untuk Trader dan rasio pemegang dengan mengalokasikan distribusi secara formal dan setara. Ini akan dilakukan dengan menganalisis catatan alat promosi sebelumnya
Q3 2022
Pusat Penelitian
Litbang Lab
MetaVerse & Blockchain
Pendirian R&D untuk Implementasi Blockchain dan Pusat Penelitian teknologi baru di Blockchain dan Metaverse
Q4 2022
Keuangan Bitseries
Peluncuran Seri
Tingkat Berikutnya
Produk atau layanan
Pendirian lab Bitseries untuk mencari produk atau layanan untuk mendukung kepercayaan koin Bitseries. Produk atau Layanan yang diluncurkan mungkin atau mungkin tidak secara langsung mengintegrasikan token bitseries tetapi tujuan akhirnya adalah untuk memberikan hubungan yang menguntungkan antara bitseries dan token bitseries, yang pada akhirnya menghasilkan perluasan ekonomi bitseries.
untuk informasi :
Web Link:
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Username: AlexSukaRondoz
Profile Link:;u=1555471
Telegram Username: @AlexSuka
Wallet Address: 0x9bE65A7Ad2ffB41d7C40addf52c377EA3F39E977
NFT stands for non-fungible token, a unit of data stored on the blockchain that certifies a digital asset as unique and non-replicable. The first NFT project was launched back in 2015, but it’s 2021 when the market really takes off. In fact, saying it “takes off” is an understatement.
Compared to the second and third quarters of 2021, NFT trading volume increased by 704%. Three months is the time it takes for such growth. With more and more companies launching their own NFT, celebrities, crypto, finance and other experts are backing it, and all the advantages that technology has — NFT will remain. But when the industry is still in its early stages and moving very fast, there is a lot to improve.
Right there, Socialogue will shine. Socialogue combines all the fast-growing spaces: NFT, blockchain, Metaverse and social media. All combined into one platform. It is built by taking industry best practices and making them even better. And of course, overcome the shortcomings.
As a complete platform, Socialogue provides an extra edge for security and experience. Everything within reach of the platform — social connections, marketplaces, game metaverse, and more. Everything today’s NFT fans need in one place. Socialogue observed that NFT room participants had to rely on multiple platforms for information, communication, printing and other purposes. And it is self-evident that using one platform instead of multiple platforms will serve the industry and its users.
Socialogue NFT Social Platform brings all social media influence to the NFT space. The importance of social features within the platform is game-changing. It overcomes the shortcomings of the industry and provides unlimited opportunities to the community.
Socialogue members can write posts, like, share, comment or send direct messages to users of any platform. By actively participating in the community, a member can create their own followers and get rewarded. The opportunities with having a following in the digital economy have never been greater.
Socialogue values transparency. Setting up a profile that other community members can see is easy. This empowers creators, collectors or other members to tell their stories and even showcase the collected NFTs (Fig. 2). Strict verification for content creators is also required to keep the community safe. Socialogue has all the features of a social platform. The ability to communicate within the platform creates extra security and closer relationships. For new opportunities and more confidence.
ROYALTIES: The platform uses royalties to buy floor NFTs mainly for two reasons — to reward honored users and provide stability for the community.
RECOGNITION: On the platform, Socialogue appreciates every NFT holder. To praise them, every NFT owner gets a senator member badge. They get recognized among other users as DAO Senate members, who can vote and decide the Socialogue future.
DAO: A unique DAO structure redefines community involvement. Every Socialogue NFT holder becomes a member of the DAO Senate. The goal is to have as many senate members who will shape the future of Socialogue and the whole NFT space. Senate members participate in major Socialogue decisions.
TOKEN: Token Launch will take place in Q1 of 2022. Socialogue will reward every NFT holder.
EARN: Holding Socialogue NFT and being part of the community opens multiple ways to get real economics. Participation in the community, taking decisions in the DAO Senate, and other activities are rewarding.
METAVERSE: Socialogue offers a thrilling experience on the Metaverse. One of the exclusive parts of the Metaverse is the DAO Senate, where the gatherings, votings, discussions, and other activities occur.
PRIVATE: As a close and unique community, NFT holders who are Senate members have a private group to discuss upcoming
changes, decisions, and the future of the platform.
SUPPORT: Like one big family, Socialogue offers support and help to its members. Socialogue Senate has direct contact with platform admins as additional support and attention.
2021 Q1-Q3
Conducting deep market research. Settling the legal matters.
Designing Socialogue platform. Implementing the experience of top-notch advisors.
2021 Q4
The release of NFTs collection and launch of Socialogue (Beta).
Integration of blockchain into the platform. NFT airdrop.
Establishment of DAO Senate.
2022 Q1-Q2
Launching the Socialogue token, DAO Senate Metaverse, Socialogue Metaverse and a full version of the platform.
Integration of token stake and tips functionalities.
2022 Q3-Q4
The launch of Socialogue app for iOS and Android.
Advancing the community functionality — introducing group chats, private groups and members recognition via smart contract.
Contact Information
Forum Username: AlexSukaRondoz
Forum Profile Link:;u=1555471
Telegram Username: @AlexSuka
Wallet Address: 0x9bE65A7Ad2ffB41d7C40addf52c377EA3F39E977
Introducing Lepasa — Win finest ever NFTs
Lepasa is a mythological virtual life conceptualised by a team of artists and engineered by blockchain enthusiasts. The vision is to establish an ecosystem that allows users to create, experience, and monetise their content and applications. Every piece of creativity in Lepasa is an NFT token (ERC-721) and always owned by its holders on the Ethereum blockchain, giving them full control over wherever and whatever they want to use it for.
Magical Polqueen
Unlike other virtual properties, Lepasa is not controlled by a centralised organisation. There is no single authority with the power to modify the rules of the software, contents, economics of the tokens, or prevent others from accessing them.
NFT — The Latest Blockchain Craze!
Gamers have traded virtual currencies and assets for years, from Fortnight’s cosmetic character skins to World of Warcraft’s gold. But in a traditional game, you don’t truly own anything in the virtual world because its economy exists exclusively in a closed marketplace.
NFTs are creating opportunities for all kinds of creators (visual arts, game designers, musicians, etc.) and unlocking new revenue streams. Part of what makes them so exciting is the variety of assets they can represent: virtual collectables, game items, digital artwork, event tickets, real estate, identity documents, certifications, and more. The NFT market is exploding right now, as early adopters and Cryptocurrency enthusiasts try to cash in on the trend.
Lepasa Foundation
Switzerland is one of the first countries to introduce a law framework for cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects. By introducing not-so-complex digital concepts in the forms of NFT & DeFi solutions the ecosystem being built in the crypto valley will facilitate mass adoption of blockchain & cryptocurrencies.
Lepasa Foundation will ensure decentralisation of the authority & governance of the project & eventually lay the foundation stone for a larger audience to adapt cryptocurrencies & take advantage of enormous possibilities.
We are willing to establish Lepasa Foundation under Swiss law.
We’re building an ecosystem that will bring everyone together who believes in innovation to join the Crypto & NFT revolution. The world is moving on to witness an unprecedented pace. With Lepasa, you can experience all possible opportunities and fun.
The vision of Lepasa, is to create a mythological world that habitats beautiful legendaries. Which will offer a social experience with an economy driven by layers of land and unique creatures ownership, with content distribution. Developers will be able to create applications on top of Lepasa, distribute them to users, and monetise them.
In the future project may have possibilities to implement peer-to-peer communications, a scripting system for interactive content, and a system of cryptocurrency payments for in-world transactions. A communication layer for social experiences, providing positioning, postures, voice chat, and more; This can be achieved with a P2P network. The scripting system is the tool that land owners can use to describe the behaviour and interactions of 3D objects, sound, and applications running on land blocks.
The planned zones and their capability of development on top of land will make Lepasa land blocks unique. Every land block would be defined with a unique address with devoted characteristics of the area. This will help for spatial discovery of new content and the creation of a special theme. Blocks in Lepasa have a fixed amount of adjacencies. Additionally, the content of adjacent blocks can be seen from a distance. For content creators, the establishment of zones provide access to targeted traffic; for end users, it enables discovery of themed experiences. Users can travel through neighbourhoods and interact with applications that they stumble upon. Developers can acquire users by purchasing land in high-interest areas. This will allow secondary markets to develop around land ownership and rentals, as is already happening on another virtual world projects.
Use Cases
Applications & Games
The scripting language would allow to develop the applications, games, gambling, and dynamic 3D scenes and to handle a wide range of capabilities, including creating objects, loading textures, handling physics, encoding user interactions, sounds, payments, and external calls, among others.
Brands may advertise using billboards near, or in, high-interest land blocks to promote their products, services, and events. Some neighbourhoods may become virtual versions of prominent locations for advertisers because of high interest of users. Additionally, brands may showcase products, services and create shared experiences to engage with their audience.
Digital Collectibles (NFT)
We expect users to publish, distribute, and collect rare digital assets issued by Lepasa and the other blockchain projects by their creators. Just as it occurs today in other virtual worlds or through online forums, these digital assets would be traded inside this world through the scripting system and be backed by the aforementioned naming system.
Groups that currently gather in online forums, chat groups, or even other centralised multiplayer games could port their communities into Lepasa. Offline communities could also find in Lepasa a space to gather and interactions. For example Facebook has large number of users from around the world and it gives them ability to create groups, applications and sub platforms, where they interact for their objectives. Similarly in Lepasa users should have even better opportunities to explore.
Virtual Tourism is something that has a strong future. When artists across the globe can inhabit their imaginations on Lapasa platform, it brings possibilities even for school students and researchers to visit Lepasa for learning, training and adventure.
Online shopping on websites and mobile are very well established to the core of every corner across the globe, Possibility of large number of Lepasa habitants can inspire global sellers to sell real stuff to the users by their virtual store on the platform. Other virtual world games have witnessed this already.
The proposed protocol has 3 divisions.
Registry Layer - This layer records permanent data of land owners and their content.
Content Layer - Here it brings assets built on top of the land block using decentralised systems.
P2P Layer - Facilitates developer’s, land owner’s users to interact with each other with various channels like text & voice chat.
Land ownership is recorded at the registry layer, where land content is referenced through a hash of the file’s content. From this reference the information can be downloaded from IPFS. The downloaded file contains a description of objects, textures, sounds, and other elements needed to render the particular scene. It also contains the URL of a rendezvous server to coordinate connections between P2P users that are exploring the tile simultaneously.
Registry Layer
Ethereum smart contract (ERC-721) to maintain a ledger of ownership records for land blocks. These non-fungible digital assets can be called as LAND: each LAND has unique (Direction, Zone#,Land#,) coordinates, an owner, and a reference to the content description file, which encodes what the landowner wants to serve there. Lepasa clients will connect to the Ethereum network to fetch updates to the state of the LAND smart contract. LAND is claimed by LEPA, a fungible ERC-20 token of fixed supply. And every swap burns LEPA to create scarcity of the token. This token serves as a proxy for the cost of claiming a new land block.
Content Layer
Lepasa uses a decentralised storage system to distribute the content needed to render the scene. For each block that needs to be rendered, a reference to a file with the description of the block’s content is retrieved from the smart contract meta data. As of today the Inter-Planetary File System (IPFS) that provides a mature solution for the requirements, shall be used. This decentralised distribution system allows project to work without the need of any centralised server infrastructure. This allows the world to exist as long as it has contributors distributing content, shifting the cost of running the system to the same actors that benefit from it.
However, hosting these files and the bandwidth required to serve this content has costs. Sooner, this infrastructure cost can be covered by the use of protocols like Filecoin. Until this technology becomes mature. The sale of LEPA shall cover these costs over the period.
P2P Layer
Peer-to-peer connections are required to provide interactions between users, as well as programmes that the landowner wants to run inside the block. To coordinate the bootstrap of peer-to-peer connections, landowners will have to provide rendezvous servers.
The maintenance of these servers can be incentivised the same way as content servers. When lightweight protocols like STUN13 can cover the functionality required from the server, the costs would be fairly low. The social experience of users in Lepasa will include avatars, the positioning of other users, voice chat, messaging, and interaction with the virtual environment. The different protocols used to coordinate these features can work on top of existing P2P solutions like Federated VoIP or WebRTC.
Lepasa legendaries are exclusively crafted for the Lepasa community and can be grabbed with $LEPA tokens only.
High Liquidity: The $LEPA token provides enough liquidity to project for swapping between NFT and token
Hyper Deflation: Each swap burns $LEPA token, that ensures continuous scarcity.
Staking: Hold $LEPA tokens and stake to earn rewards.
Crosschain: Access $LEPA on multiple public blockchains.
It is important for you to know the token economy and how we will use the funds.
Total Supply: 100 M
Initial Circulating Supply: Less then 10%
Listing Price: $0.15
Publicc Sale: $0.10
Token Distribution
Everything you want know about Lepasa Token Distribution.
1 % Public sale — Price: $0.10
Listing Price — $0.15
Strategic & Private Distribution — 10% shall be vested on-listing, Then daily vesting over a period of 365 days.
Foundational Reserve — After 1 year, Daily vesting over 365 days.
Marketing & Business Development — 10% vested on listing, Then daily vesting over 365 days.
Liquidity — 10% of the total supply is allocated for liquidity.
Team — After 1 year, Daily vesting over 365 days.
Advisors — After 1 year, Daily vesting over 365 days.
#lepasa #nft #blockchain #NFTs #Marketplace #Game #Metaverse
Fund Usage
This is how the funding is going to be used.
40% of the funds will be used to support the development.
Marketing actions such as go-to market strategy will account for 20% of the total funds raised.
Legal and Accountancy will represent 10% of the total funds raised.
30% of funds will be used to provide liquidity to exchanges.
For More Information Click Links Bellow:

Gameplay of Metakings
Metakings AI was launched as a world of war in digital, the team of the game project Metakings joined with the game community to develop the game functions such as game content to link to the name. Metakings brand. Put in the great faith of the project, the Metaking game will be a game with attractive gameplay with a good story to give users the best gaming experience.

Battle Mode in Metakings Game
The team of the game project Metakings built a battle mode based on the game’s content in August 2020. The system is represented by the unique fighting method seen in games like the game Demon souls.” and “God of war.”
After that time, the team of the game project Metakings continued to build the real-time card war system and application in March 2021 and plan to release an Alpha test version in December 2021. .
Tournaments and rewards
The battle system of the Metakings game is quite suitable for competitive win matches and Esports because the game genre attribute is combat and must be based on the player’s gaming skills.
The team of the Metakings game project sees that as important in developing the game for the future and also demonstrates the monetization feature for players when participating. Currently, many players have won thousands of dollars in rewards for participating in game project events.
Free Player
Based on the established concepts inside the game developed on blockchain technology, the Metakings game project allows all players to participate in the game for free, in the game the player is completely involved. participate in the game’s activities to experience the game in the most comfortable way, the player fully gets the part in the game when winning the matches.
To help your character have high strength, you need to upgrade your character and upgrade the character’s items, instead of having to use money to buy items to increase strength, players Free to use with your own strength to plow hoes to upgrade characters and participate in matches to receive equipment for characters. When you spend your time and effort, you will have a high value game account and can trade on exchanges to make money in real life.
During this period, you can sell your character to other players to earn money in the game Metakings, if your character has a high rarity, the sale value will receive higher money.
Players pay
If you are a player without free plowing and want to invest in gaming by paying for game activities, you can participate in the Metakings game by investing money to make a profit. Earning of Metakings you can buy a live environment to be able to earn $MTK tokens. Also a habitat owner will benefit from MTKration. Your purchase of Habitat also serves as a gateway between the free and paid gaming segments of the game’s economy.
That not only establishes up to 2 economies that players can earn, but also extends to the whole market. Because Metakings NFTs are all sold to people who are willing to pay to buy. This is also a basis for accessing the economy of Metakings to allow the project to build and develop to expand the market.
The project allows Metakings equipped with skills produced according to the formula of BUSD, $MTK and crystals to be traded on the game’s Marketplace from there to grow the game economy.
Game Characters
In the Metakings game, there are many different types of characters, here are the characters in the Metakings game:
Each of the above characters will be announced when the game project starts to launch.
Marketplace of Metakings
In the game Metakings there will be a place for players to trade with each other and that is called the Marketplace, a place where you can improve your clan and economy by trading NFT items. These transactions will have a 15% fee in Marketplace.
MTK token information
MTK token is a kind of governance token of the game, it belongs to the BEP-20 network. Owners of this type of MTK token will receive many in-game incentives, have the right to participate in voting on governance issues in the game. In addition, players can earn this MTK token by participating in game activities.
Information to spend MTK . tokens
Details of the $MTK token:
- Token Name: Metakings Token
- Symbol: MTK
- Decimals: 18
- Network: Binance Smart Chain
- Total Supply:
MTK Token Allocation
To better understand the price of the $MTK token in the Metakings game project and the information on the number of tokens brought to the market, you need to clearly see the information about the token distribution of the Metakings game project that the team has divided. Below is a detailed image of the Metakings token allocation.

MTK Token Value
MTK acts as the native currency for Metaking. Players use $MTK to mint characters, mint arenas, extend the life of your characters by renting and Buy/Sell on Metakings Marketplace. The maximum supply is 1,000,000,000 $ MTK Token
MTK Token value has X50 times compared to the original Presale price and continues to increase
- Contract Address: 0x129385c4acd0075e45a0c9a5177bdfec9678a138
- Name: Metakings Token
- Symbol: MTK
- Decimals: 18
- Network: Binance Smart Chain
- Total Supply: 1.000.000
Details of Presale/IDO Metakings
Open Pre-Sell
- Token Quantity: 100,000,000 $ MTK — 20% Total Supply
- Softcap: 500 BNB
- Hard copy: 2000 BNB
- Maximum spend per account = 20 BNB
- IDO Rate: 0.000002BNB / 1MTK
- Pancakeswap listing rate : 0.0002BNB / 1MTK
Round 1: Starts on December 8 and ends on December 23.
Initial Liquidity Supply 1 (IDO 1)
- Token Quantity: 100,000,000 $ MTK — 20% Total Supply
- Softcap: 500 BNB
- Hard copy: 2000 BNB
- Maximum spend per account = 25 BNB
- IDO Rate: 0.0003BNB / 1MTK
- Pancakeswap listing rate : 0.0002BNB / 1MTK
IDO Round 1: Starts on December 23 and ends on January 22.
Initial Liquidity Supply 2 (IDO 2)
- Token Quantity: 100,000,000 $ MTK — 20% Total Supply
- Softcap: 500 BNB
- Hard copy: 2000 BNB
- Maximum spend per account = 25 BNB
- IDO Rate: 0.0004BNB / 1MTK
- Pancakeswap listing rate : 0.0002BNB / 1MTK
Round 1: Starting on January 22 and ending on February 23.
How to buy MTK Token?
Step 1: Access IDO Link
Step 2: Connect your wallet
Step 3: Enter the amount of BNB you want to buy $ MTK
Step 4: Click “Buy” and Confirm your transaction.
How to buy MTK with Metamask wallet
To connect Trustwallet with Metakings, follow the steps below.
Android & iOS
- Open MetaMask and tap on the burger icon in the top left.
- Tap Settings in the menu.
- In the Settings menu, tap Network
- Tap the Add network button at the bottom.
- On the page that opens, enter the following details:
Tên mạng: Binance Smart Chain RPC Url: ID chuỗi: 56 Ký hiệu: BNB Block Explorer URL:
- Once you’ve confirmed entering the new network, go back to the burgers menu and tap Browse .
- Type “ ” into the search field and start searching. The top result will be the Official Result. Tap to enter.
- Your wallet will ask you to connect. Click Connect with Metakings, then you can buy $MTK . Token
Metakings project development roadmap
Please note that development is a flexible process and all dates are subject to change. Any significant delays will be communicated to the community as soon as possible. Assumptive timeline with no major lines
State 1
- Initial prototype + smart contract building — September 2021 — ✔️
- Social media launch + landing site — December 2021 — ✔️
- Audit contract — December 2021 — December 2021
- Public pre-sale — December 2021 — December 2021
- Liquidity on pancakeswap — December 2021 –
- Listing on coinmarketcap / coinecko — December 2021
- Movie trailer & first auto ignition — December 2021
- Influencer Marketing — January 2022
- Perks of expeditions — January 2021
- Strategic Partnership-January 2022
Phase 2
- Expanded developer team — January 2022
- Beta Testing Game Release (Play for Money and Market) — January 2022
- Characters & Arena rollout — January 2022
- Community Game Launch (MTK) — February 2022
- Many exploration trips — February 2022
- Use of $MTK claimable to pay for in-game items (contract) — February 2022
- Community Development — February 2022
- More CEX listings — February 2022
Stage 3
- More options to grow and improve your clan — March 2022
- Design more arenas and characters — March 2022
- Migration to Unreal Engine — March 2022
- PVP Fights — December 2021 — March 2022
- Mobile Release (IOS & Android) — March 2022
$MTK . Sustainability Plan
Technical fundamentals
- Meta-king is a novel type of game that compensates players for the time and effort they invest in both the game and the growth of the ecosystem.
- Meta-king’s economy is entirely player-owned and based on real money. Instead of selling content or copies of games, game makers are focusing their efforts on expanding players into player economies. Market fees are deposited into the Community Treasuries, their use being decided by MTK holders. Developers earn money by holding MTK Tokens. Players produce MTK Tokens using in-game resources and sell them to new/other players. Think of Meta-king as a country with a working economy. The MTK token is held by the government, which is responsible for collecting taxes. Owners, the game creators/builders, own 10% of all MTK Tokens.
- The game’s resources and products are encrypted, which means they can be traded on peer-to-peer markets open to anyone, anywhere in the world.
The Metakings . project development team
For the game project Metakings is a rapidly expanding worldwide company with a team of more than 10 members committed to bringing Metakings to the next level. All members are people with many years of experience in the blockchain technology industry in general and in the NFT game development industry on blockchain technology in particular. Below are the details of the members of the Metakings development team
Christopher Gasca — Co-Founder
Christopher is a certified entrepreneur and he has worked with Kain Warwick on e-commerce and many other successful projects in which he has been involved. He has known and been exposed to cryptocurrencies for a long time, from which he developed the game project Metakings.
Rodney Sekareck — Co-Founder and Game Designer
He is an avid seeker of scientific knowledge and the philosophical implications of technology his interest in artificial intelligence emanates from an early age.
Kathleen McNamara — Partnerships
Kathleen is a business executive and leader with 20 years of work experience, every project he has been involved in has been a huge success. He has held director and leadership roles in various retail and technology-based organisations.
Gleen Winters — CTO
Glenn has over 15 years of experience as a full-fledged developer, with experience as a solutions architect, technology designer, and software engineer.
Moses Smith — Lead Server Engineer
Moses has over 20 years of experience in the gaming and financial sectors. His career began when he produced games uploaded to the Appstore in the 2000s.
Jonathan Torres — Marketing Manager
Jonathan is a creative writer and brand strategist with years of experience in the field of marketing.
Market and community of Metakings
The Metakings project was born with the desire to create a collectible, public, transparent and community-managed NFT game. We detail the process by which the community of $MTK holders will control and maintain the protocol through the Metakings Council, as well as the types of modifications that may be proposed. It’s worth mentioning that we designed the governance process behind the Ethereum EIP and early versions of change control in open source software, with feedback from many of Synthetix’s key contributors.
The community of metakings fans on twitter has more than 200,000 members and is growing every day
Learn More:
Telegram Announcements:
Telegram Official Group:
Forum Username: AlexSukaRondoz
Forum Profile Link:;u=1555471
Telegram Username: @AlexSukaRondoz
Wallet Address: 0x9bE65A7Ad2ffB41d7C40addf52c377EA3F39E977
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