ICO Extradecoin
Extradecoin is a crypto currency trading platform. Investors can sell crypto on the stock exchange. Extradecoin is made with the desire to provide a quality, reliable and secure financial platform for investors. In addition, we strive to bring the latest technology platforms with the best user interface experience on the Extradecoin platform and at the same time create ecosystems to maximize benefits for the community.
Basic information:
Extradecoin business model is aimed at specific customer groups:
Investors: Extradecoin will help investors to get most of the crypto currency available in the market. The company offers services with the lowest commission, minimum waiting time for withdrawal, fast transfer of proceeds and immediate order placement.
ICO Developer: Extradecoin supports the new ICO project in the opening process and requires funding. The Company assists clients in choosing and investing in ICO projects. The company also helps investors to resell the tokens, even though the ICO project is still ongoing. After the ICO is completed, investors can continue to trade this coin at Extradecoin. By doing this, Extradecoin helps expand the ICO community, which increases the liquidity and token value.
Gamer: Token Play is a place where gamers can entertain and at the same time get a profit from the game. Playing our game on TokenPlay, Gamers use coins for exchange in game services. TokenPlay will have high information security. At Extradecoin, people can also be players and investors at the same time.
The ability to handle
Extradecoin's integrated platform will provide a very fast processing speed, which will allow the market to get high liquidity. Thus, cash flow continues to be processed, and no transactions are supported due to long waiting times.
Extradecoin's integrated platform will provide a very fast processing speed, which will allow the market to get high liquidity. Thus, cash flow continues to be processed, and no transactions are supported due to long waiting times.
Extradecoin multi-language support will support common language across all user interfaces. The initial release will include English and Chinese, and then Korean and Japanese. Other languages will be added to Extradecoin later.
The main function of
Extradecoin will allow investors to trade spot through limit orders and market orders. In addition, the company will support margin trading with high profitability of the company, integrated with the platform for lending. In the near future, Extradecoin will also build a decentralized exchange. Through a decentralized platform, investors can conduct crypto-currency transactions without restrictions. Extradecoin will develop new trading models, including decentralized transactions to Blockchain to meet various investment requirements.
Extradecoin will allow investors to trade spot through limit orders and market orders. In addition, the company will support margin trading with high profitability of the company, integrated with the platform for lending. In the near future, Extradecoin will also build a decentralized exchange. Through a decentralized platform, investors can conduct crypto-currency transactions without restrictions. Extradecoin will develop new trading models, including decentralized transactions to Blockchain to meet various investment requirements.
Crypto-currency update news Latest news on the crypto currency market, as well as the latest breakthrough technologies, will be updated in the "News" section to provide a multidimensional and detailed picture to investors in the market.
Autonomous and online training
To support new investors who may not be familiar with crypto currency and improve transaction efficiency, Extradecoin will start online courses and online courses. Investors coming to Extradecoin will be trained in market knowledge, trading skills and have the opportunity to meet with professional traders.
To support new investors who may not be familiar with crypto currency and improve transaction efficiency, Extradecoin will start online courses and online courses. Investors coming to Extradecoin will be trained in market knowledge, trading skills and have the opportunity to meet with professional traders.
Report analysis and evaluation
Periodic reports on the crypto currency market will be prepared by professional analysts with knowledge of modern technology and have long-term investment experience in the market. At the same time, Extradecoin will conduct a detailed review of the ICO list on the trading platform to assist the newly established company. It will also help identify potential ICO projects that have sufficient quality and profit potential for our customers.
Periodic reports on the crypto currency market will be prepared by professional analysts with knowledge of modern technology and have long-term investment experience in the market. At the same time, Extradecoin will conduct a detailed review of the ICO list on the trading platform to assist the newly established company. It will also help identify potential ICO projects that have sufficient quality and profit potential for our customers.
24/7 Customer Support
To ensure the utmost service quality to our customers, Extradecoin will deploy many customer support channels that will work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to answer questions, help with new website functions, receive user feedback, help with transactional issues and let customers know if there is a problem.
To ensure the utmost service quality to our customers, Extradecoin will deploy many customer support channels that will work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to answer questions, help with new website functions, receive user feedback, help with transactional issues and let customers know if there is a problem.
Borrow platform
To improve profitability for investors, Extradecoin will act as an intermediary on the platform that connects lenders and borrowers. Investors can have unused cash in their Extradecoin wallet and can therefore provide each other with an additional income of monthly income. Investors looking to increase their capital and seek new investments can contact Extradecoin to find suitable loans.
Margins mechanism
Investors who want to borrow money for Extradecoin should look for suitable loans based on platform rules. The requirement to borrow is that investors should have at least the amount of coins they want to borrow. This is the margin that will be used to secure the loan to the investor. The borrower will be able to receive a coin loan with a registered coin, and at the same time, the interest will be paid by the registered coin to the creditor. For example, an investor has an ETH; they can borrow ETH credits at ETH and interest payments monthly using ETH. Investors can borrow up to the amount they deposit, that is, they will have double the amount, and investors can use all this money to trade. Every month, the investor must pay interest in accordance with the terms of the loan. Interest will be deducted directly from the borrower's account on the date of interest payment. On the due date, the investor must pay both principal and interest, as agreed initially, plus 1% of the commission fee.
Investors who want to borrow money for Extradecoin should look for suitable loans based on platform rules. The requirement to borrow is that investors should have at least the amount of coins they want to borrow. This is the margin that will be used to secure the loan to the investor. The borrower will be able to receive a coin loan with a registered coin, and at the same time, the interest will be paid by the registered coin to the creditor. For example, an investor has an ETH; they can borrow ETH credits at ETH and interest payments monthly using ETH. Investors can borrow up to the amount they deposit, that is, they will have double the amount, and investors can use all this money to trade. Every month, the investor must pay interest in accordance with the terms of the loan. Interest will be deducted directly from the borrower's account on the date of interest payment. On the due date, the investor must pay both principal and interest, as agreed initially, plus 1% of the commission fee.
token distribution
Detailed information:
Website: https://extradecoin.com
Whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZOZiqfFTu71UiY5-FAWTnHWa2uKqH4wV/view?usp=sharing
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/extradecoin
twitter: https : //twitter.com/Extradecoin1
Telegram: https://t.me/extradecoinofficial
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/extradecoin-live-884357164
bantal warulor
Juli 31, 2018
New Google SEO
Bandung, IndonesiaWhitepaper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZOZiqfFTu71UiY5-FAWTnHWa2uKqH4wV/view?usp=sharing
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/extradecoin
twitter: https : //twitter.com/Extradecoin1
Telegram: https://t.me/extradecoinofficial
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/extradecoin-live-884357164
Memecahkan masalah ketidaktaatan obat dengan menyebarkan teknologi kami melalui layanan kesehatan nasional.
“ CURAIZON “ Meningkatkan Kesehatan, Mengurangi Biaya & Kehidupan yang Sangat Baik, Kami sedang merevolusi kesehatan dan meningkatkan kepatuhan terhadap obat melalui analitik data besar yang disampaikan melalui blockchain.
Kami memecahkan masalah dunia nyata dengan membantu pasien mengambil obat mereka dengan benar
- Setiap hari, jutaan orang gagal untuk mengambil obat mereka sebagaimana ditentukan dan biaya pribadi dan keuangan yang dihasilkan mengejutkan. Di seluruh dunia, ketidakpatuhan menghasilkan $ 700 miliar dalam biaya medis yang dapat dihindari.
- Data yang kami buat unik dan memiliki nilai luar biasa bagi perusahaan farmasi, peneliti, dan pemerintah.
- Setiap kali seorang pasien menggunakan teknologi CuraServe kami, data kami tumbuh dalam utilitas dan nilai.
- Curaizon ™ memecahkan masalah ketidaktaatan obat dengan menyebarkan teknologi kami melalui layanan kesehatan nasional. Sebagai bagian dari solusi kami, kami mengumpulkan data anonim penuh tentang bagaimana dan kapan pasien menggunakan obat.
- CuraTokens ™ adalah satu-satunya cara untuk mengakses data kami. Token dapat ditukarkan untuk akses data, yang akan memajukan penelitian medis, menurunkan biaya perawatan kesehatan dan menyelamatkan nyawa.
- Nilai CuraToken ™ didasarkan pada solusi nyata untuk masalah nyata.
Kami bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan terhadap obat dan membawa manfaat yang mengubah permainan bagi pasien dan penyedia layanan kesehatan dengan menjadi pemasok utama kepatuhan dan solusi data di seluruh dunia.
Apa yang unik tentang perusahaan?
Solusi kami bekerja dengan pasien, keluarga mereka, dan penyedia layanan kesehatan untuk memastikan bahwa pasien meminum obat mereka seperti yang ditentukan melalui serangkaian alat penjangkauan, didukung oleh alat pemodelan prediktif dan analisis perilaku, untuk meningkatkan tingkat kepatuhan obat.
Masalah apa yang diselesaikan perusahaan?
Teknologi CuraServe kami membantu memastikan bahwa pasien meminum obat mereka seperti yang ditentukan oleh dokter mereka. Dengan melakukan ini, kami membantu pasien hidup lebih lama dan lebih sehat. Kami juga mengurangi biaya perawatan kesehatan yang terjadi ketika pasien gagal mengambil obat mereka dengan benar.
Bagaimana Anda menciptakan nilai untuk mendukung CuraTokens Anda?
Teknologi CuraServe ™ kami menghasilkan sejumlah besar data unik dan real-time yang menunjukkan bagaimana orang menggunakan obat mereka yang paling berharga untuk berbagai kelompok termasuk perusahaan farmasi, peneliti medis, dan perusahaan bioteknologi.CuraTokens ™ memungkinkan pemilik token mengakses data untuk membuat kueri. Ketika solusi kami diluncurkan ke lebih banyak pasien di lebih banyak negara. Semakin banyak data yang kami hasilkan, semakin berharga bahwa CuraTokens ™ menjadi.
Siapa target pelanggan Anda?
Curaizon ™ menjual solusi kepatuhannya (CuraServe ™) ke layanan kesehatan nasional di seluruh dunia. Pengguna akhir kami adalah pasien perawatan kesehatan yang mengambil bentuk obat apa pun. Kami juga bekerja dengan akademisi industri, farmasi dan bioteknologi, serta pengguna data lainnya melalui solusi CuraData ™ kami.
Apa target pasar geografis Anda?
Curaizon menargetkan negara-negara dengan layanan kesehatan nasional. Saat ini mencakup 1,4 miliar orang dan jumlah itu terus bertambah.
Apa potensi pasarnya?
Biaya ketidakpatuhan global adalah lebih dari € 600 miliar setiap tahun dan menghasilkan ratusan ribu jiwa yang hilang sebelum waktunya. Kepatuhan terhadap penyakit kronis dan jangka panjang kurang dari 50%.
Ekosistem Curaizon ™
CuraToken ™ Utility Tokens (CTKN) memungkinkan pemegang token mengakses data medis eksklusif dan anonim kami di blockchain.
- CuraTokens ™ adalah satu-satunya cara untuk mengakses teknologi Curaizon ™.
- Pemegang CuraToken ™ dapat mengakses data yang menggunakan analitik kuat, prediksi, AI dan data besar dalam perang melawan ketidakpatuhan obat.
- CuraTokens ™ menyediakan analisis real-time dari perilaku dan kepatuhan pasien.
- CuraTokens ™ memungkinkan penggunaan teknologi blockchain untuk mengelola otentikasi, kerahasiaan dan akuntabilitas dengan memungkinkan individu untuk mengontrol data mereka, memberikan perlindungan, keamanan, dan kepatuhan terhadap semua peraturan yang diperlukan, termasuk GDPR.
- CuraTokens ™ memfasilitasi kemitraan dengan organisasi medis dan farmasi melalui sistem penghargaan token.
- Para pemegang CuraToken ™ tahu bahwa mereka menyelamatkan nyawa di seluruh dunia dengan membantu menyelesaikan masalah ketidakpatuhan obat.
Januari 2016
Pengembangan CuraServe ™ Mulai
Juni 2017
Pengujian CuraServe ™ berlangsung
Februari 2018
Rilis Full Alpha CuraData ™
1 Juni 2018
Mulai Token Presale
8 Juni 2018
Penjualan Publik Token Dimulai
November 2018
Rilis Beta CuraData ™ Lengkap
Maret 2019
Rilis Publik CuraServe ™
Juli 2019
Pertumbuhan Platform CuraData ™
Rilis Curadata ™ 2.0
Tim kami menggabungkan semangat, inovasi, dan keahlian dengan pengalaman di bidang kesehatan, keuangan, operasi, pemasaran, dan teknologi
Mitra Kampanye ICO
ICOBox adalah generasi baru pertama dan terbesar dari Promotor Pembangun Blokchain dan Fasilitator Bisnis untuk perusahaan yang ingin menjual produk mereka melalui crowdsales ICO.
Gateway Technolabs
Pengembangan perangkat lunak
Layanan teknologi informasi global, solusi, dan perusahaan rekayasa produk dengan tim profesional yang cerdas dan berdedikasi yang melayani pelanggan kami di 30 negara di 5 benua.
Data Besar & Analisis Prediktif
Perusahaan Big Data dan Predictive Analytics berfokus pada penambangan data dan analitik pelanggan.
Pakar IoT, Cloud, dan keamanan
Timengo adalah pakar IoT, Cloud, dan keamanan dengan kekayaan pengetahuan dan pengalaman dalam sektor perawatan kesehatan. Mereka mendorong aplikasi teknologi internal dan eksternal kami dan membantu kami untuk mengirimkan infrastruktur API yang aman dengan basis data eksternal.
Penyedia CPaaS Tier-1
CLX adalah satu-satunya penyedia CPaaS tier-1 yang dipercaya untuk membawa lebih dari 25 miliar transaksi per tahun dan merupakan mitra pemberitahuan kami.
Untuk tautan informasi lebih lanjut di bawah ini:
Situs web: https://curatoken.curaizon.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/curaizon
“ini sekedar opini pribadi penulis,bukan anjuran investasi”
bantal warulor
Juli 31, 2018
New Google SEO
Bandung, Indonesia